Match with the right talent and get better inbound applications
Get startedHires made by
Good candidates are spammed by recruiters. And your inboxes are full of irrelevant applications from candidates who aren’t right for your roles.
We match roles to only the right candidates. This leads to fewer, better quality applications. Less noise.
Higher quality candidates
Applications from Otta are twice as likely to lead to interview, compared to platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed.
Less time having to source
Access a scalable, reliable pipeline of talent, so you can cut your sourcing hours and agency spend.
3x higher response rate from candidates
If you need to source for some roles, target a pool of diverse, experienced talent actively looking for roles like yours.
Our candidates are engaged, experienced, and looking to work for mission-driven companies. And they love the platform - we've seen 100% year on year candidate growth since 2020.
candidates across the UK, US and EU
active candidates this month
are women or non-binary
are from ethnic minority groups
are senior or expert level
All functions, all seniority levels
Software Engineering
Other Engineering
Operations & Strategy
Sales & Account Management
People, HR, Recruitment
Finance, Legal & Compliance
We've re-invented how talented
people find jobs in tech
Fill hard-to-fill roles
48% of hires made on Otta are
for expert, leadership or technical roles.
Achieve your DEI goals
We attract the best, most diverse talent in tech to help you hire more intentionally.
Build your employer brand
Help candidates understand your values, mission, culture and more, all in one place.